Book Guide
The finest books published to get you started learning, building and maintaining a solid base in illustrative draftsmanship.
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Animated Cartoons for the Beginner by Walter T. Foster
- Drawing the Head & Figure by Jack Hamm
Learning to Draw Comics by George Leonard Carlson
The Landon School of Illustrating and Cartooning by Charles N. Landon and John Garvin
- The W.L. Evans School of Cartooning and Caricaturing by W.L. Evans and John Garvin
Fun With a Pencil by Andrew Loomis
Drawing the Head and Hands
by Andrew Loomis
Figure Drawing for All it’s Worth by Andrew Loomis
by Charles Bargue
Freehand Drawing Self-Taught by Arthur L. Guptill
Rendering in Pencil
by Arthur L. Guptill
Rendering in Pen and Ink by Arthur Guptill
Classical Human Anatomy by Valerie L. Winslow (Superb anatomy book, HIGHLY recommend!)
Classical Human Anatomy in Motion by Valerie L. Winslow
Figure Drawing Design and Invention by Michael Hampton
Mastering Drawing the Human Figure by Jack Faragasso
The Anatomy of Style by Patrick J. Jones
Figures from Life by Patrick J. Jones
Perspective in Action by David Chelsea
Extreme Perspective! For Artists by David Chelsea
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